Wu Yo-Chi
Dear brothers and sisters, I am from Shanghai, China. My name is Wu Yo-Chi. I turned 68 (2003) this year. I used to be a high school teacher. I was accused of anti-revolutionism in 1960 because I was against "three red flags" and sentenced 7 years. I was jailed in the largest prison in the far east -- Ti Lan Chau Prison in Shanghai.
Brother Nee was arrested in 1952. After that it seemed that this person disappeared from the earth. Nobody knows what happened to him. Praise the Lord. The Lord had mercy on a lowly person like me. He loved me and kept me so that I'd have the chance to tell you all what I know about Watchman Nee in prison.
I was with Brother Nee 9 years in total (1963-1972). We were separated for about 2 years in between. Praise the Lord that He eventually brought us back together until 3 days before He was taken by the Lord. There are a lot of testimonies in all these years. Brother Nee is also a human being. Today I'd like to testify this on the human aspect about him.